Node&RabbitMQ系列五 保证投递



  1. 发送端如何确保发送到了交换机
  2. 消费端针对不同情况处理消息–后续再说


  • 发布消息的附带信息-properties;
  • ConfirmChannel: 监听publish回调函数;
  • Mandatory:监听channel回调函数;
  • 备份交换机:路由不到队列则发到备份交换机


{ fields:
{ consumerTag: 'amq.ctag-_zo-n-crGPvrunQmICBoqA',
deliveryTag: 1,
redelivered: false,
exchange: 'delayed-exchange',
routingKey: 'delayed-routingKey' },
{ contentType: undefined,
contentEncoding: undefined,
headers: { 'x-delay': 1000, 'x-death': [Array] },
deliveryMode: undefined,
priority: undefined,
correlationId: undefined,
replyTo: undefined,
expiration: undefined,
messageId: undefined,
timestamp: undefined,
type: undefined,
userId: undefined,
appId: undefined,
clusterId: undefined },
<Buffer 7b 22 6d 73 67 22 3a 32 2c 22 74 74 6c 22 3a 31 30 30 30 7d>
字段 类型 说明
content-type 消息体类型HIMI类型 如:application/ json
content-encodeing 压缩消息 如:utf8
message-id 应用级别,跟踪消息的流动情况 如销售订单或支持类请; 允许255个字节的utf8
correlation-id 应用级别,跟踪消息的流动情况 如:传送关联消息的事务ID或其他类似数据;允许255个字节的utf8
timestamp 应用级别 如:诊断消息发生意外、性能、是否处理-丢弃、监控报警等
expiration 消息自动过期, 整数或整数时间戳字符串 注意
delivery-mode 是否持久化 1 表示非持久化消息, 2 表示持久化消息
app-id 收集统计数据,如校验版本、平台 追踪恶意消息
user-id 识别用户,根据业务判断是否使用
type 消息类型名称 如:不采用json,采用protobuf,就可以不必自行设置type,在次设置传输即可
reply-to 使用 reply-to 可以构建一个用来回复消息的私有响应队列 “在请 求消息中使用私有响应队列时 , 它可以保存私有响应队 列的名称” 。 这个定义中 有太 多的不明确性,所以应该谨慎使用这个属性。
headers 自定义头 根据需要设置key-value即可
priority 优先级 0-9之间的整数

消息持久化 VS 队列持久化

  1. 消息的 delivery-mode 才 会向 RabbitMQ 指定消息是否应该被持久化
  2. 队列的持久性属性告诉 RabbitMQ 队列的定 义在 重新启 动 RabbitMQ 服务器或群集之后是否仍然有效
  3. 队列可能包含持久化未持久化的消息;

delivery-mode 指定为 1 将会尽可能降低消息投递的延迟性。侧重:速度,即便丢失不影响业务
delivery-mode 指定为 2 专注于保证消息的可靠投递而不是消息吞吐量。侧重:可靠,非速度


投递速度 VS 可靠性



  1. 网络
  2. 硬件
  3. 系统
  1. 消费发布时保证消息进入队列的重要性有多高?
  2. 如果消息无法路由,是否应将消息返回给发布者?
  3. 如果消息无法路由,是否应该将其发送到其他地方稍后进行重新路由
  4. 如果 RabbitMQ 服务器崩溃,可以接受信息丢失吗?
  5. RabbitMQ 在处理新消息时是否应该确认它已经为发布者执行了所有请求的路由和持久化任务?
  6. 消息发布者是否可以批量投递消息,然后从 RabbitMQ 收到一个确认用于表明所有请求的路由和持久化任务己经批量应用到所有的消息中?
  7. 如果你要批量发布消息,而这些消息需要确认路由和持久化,那么对每一条消息是否需要对目标队列实现真正意义上的原子提交
  8. 在可靠投递方面是否有可接受的平衡性,你的发布者可以使用它来实现更高的性能和消息吞吐量吗 ?
  9. 消息发布还有哪些方面会影响消息吞吐量和性能

ConfirmChannel 回调

(async function testConfirmChannel() {
const url = `amqp://localhost`;
const connect = await amqp.connect(url)
let index = 0;
* 1. 发布4条消息
* 2. 如果成功则打印成功的消息
* 3. 如果因为某种原因失败,则重试发布3次,最终记录失败消息
* 失败原因
* 1. 网络,connect.close、channel.close
* 2. 其他故障
while (index < 4) {
await retryTest(index, 3);
* 发送消息
* @param index 发送的消息
* @param retryTime 单个消息的 重试次数
async function retryTest(index: number, retryTime: number) {
try {
await publish(`发送消息${index}`, connect);
} catch (error) {
if (retryTime > 0) {
await sleep(3);
console.log(`${index}重试, 次数为${retryTime}`)
await retryTest(index, retryTime - 1)
} else {
// ! 如果单条消息重试后仍旧失败,则记录📝特殊处理
console.error(`🚩🚩🚩 ${index} 需要特殊处理`);
* 内容:发布【确认】
* 1. 问题:如何确保消息发送到了交换机?
* 2. createConfirmChannel
* @param msg 发布的消息
* @param connect rabbitmq connect
async function publish(msg: string, connect: amqp.Connection) {
const exchange = '';
const exchangeType = 'direct';
const routingKey = '5.confirm.routingKey';

// 接受确认的channel
const channel = await connect.createConfirmChannel();
await channel.assertExchange(exchange, exchangeType, { durable: false })
const content = JSON.stringify({ msg });
const random = Math.random() < 0.4;
console.log('随机出现❌', random);
if (random) {
// 为了演示发送不到交换机
// connect.close();
channel.publish(exchange, routingKey, Buffer.from(content), {}, (err, ok) => {
if (err !== null) {
console.log('发布消息-交换机-失败', err);
} else {
console.log('发布消息-交换机-确认', err, ok, content);
await channel.waitForConfirms()
await channel.close();
#结果 全部成功
➜ git:(main) ✗ ts-node send.ts
随机出现❌ false
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息1"}
随机出现❌ false
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息2"}
随机出现❌ false
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息3"}
随机出现❌ false
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息4"}
➜  6test git:(main) ✗ ts-node send.ts
随机出现❌ false
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息1"}
随机出现❌ true
发布消息-交换机-失败 Error: channel closed
at ConfirmChannel.<anonymous> (/Users/mw/Desktop/Github/Integration/Rabbitmq/node_modules/amqplib/lib/channel.js:39:18)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
2重试, 次数为3
随机出现❌ true
发布消息-交换机-失败 Error: channel closed
at ConfirmChannel.<anonymous> (/Users/mw/Desktop/Github/Integration/Rabbitmq/node_modules/amqplib/lib/channel.js:39:18)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
2重试, 次数为2
随机出现❌ true
发布消息-交换机-失败 Error: channel closed
at ConfirmChannel.<anonymous> (/Users/mw/Desktop/Github/Integration/Rabbitmq/node_modules/amqplib/lib/channel.js:39:18)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
2重试, 次数为1
随机出现❌ false
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息2"}
随机出现❌ false
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息3"}
随机出现❌ false
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息4"}


mandatory标志位设置为true时,如果exchange根据自身类型和消息routeKey无法找到一个符合条件的queue,那么会调用basic.return方法将消息返回给生产者(Basic.Return + Content-Header + Content-Body);当mandatory设置为false时,出现上述情形broker会直接将消息扔掉。

The immediate and mandatory fields are part of the AMQP specification, and are also covered in the RabbitMQ FAQ to clarify how its implementers interpreted their meaning:


This flag tells the server how to react if a message cannot be routed to a queue. Specifically, if mandatory is set and after running the bindings the message was placed on zero queues then the message is returned to the sender (with a basic.return). If mandatory had not been set under the same circumstances the server would silently drop the message.

Or in my words, "Put this message on at least one queue. If you can't, send it back to me."


async function publish(msg: string, connect: amqp.Connection) {
const exchange = '';
const exchangeType = 'direct';
const routingKey = '5.mandatory.routingKey';

const channel = await connect.createConfirmChannel();
await channel.assertExchange(exchange, exchangeType, { durable: false })
const content = JSON.stringify({ msg });
// mandatory
channel.publish(exchange, '', Buffer.from(content), { mandatory: true }, (err, ok) => {
if (err !== null) {
console.log('发布消息-交换机-失败', err);
} else {
console.log('发布消息-交换机-确认', err, ok, content);
// 监听回调函数
channel.on('return', (args)=>{
console.log("return: ", args);
channel.on('error', (args)=>{
console.log("error: ", args);
channel.on('close', (args)=>{
console.log("close: ", args);
await channel.waitForConfirms()
await channel.close();
// return 回调函数返回数据
return: { fields:
{ replyCode: 312,
replyText: 'NO_ROUTE',
exchange: '',
routingKey: '' },
{ contentType: undefined,
contentEncoding: undefined,
headers: {},
deliveryMode: undefined,
priority: undefined,
correlationId: undefined,
replyTo: undefined,
expiration: undefined,
messageId: undefined,
timestamp: undefined,
type: undefined,
userId: undefined,
appId: undefined,
clusterId: undefined },
<Buffer 7b 22 6d 73 67 22 3a 22 e5 8f 91 e9 80 81 e6 b6 88 e6 81 af 2d 2d 22 7d> }

// createConfirmChannel回调函数
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息--"}
// close channel断开回调函数
close: undefined


async function publish(msg: string, connect: amqp.Connection) {
const exchange = '';
const exchangeType = 'direct';
const routingKey = '5.mandatory.routingKey';
const queueName = '5.topic.queue'

// 接受确认的channel
const channel = await connect.createConfirmChannel();
await channel.assertExchange(exchange, exchangeType, { durable: false })
const content = JSON.stringify({ msg });
channel.publish(exchange, routingKey, Buffer.from(content), { mandatory: true }, (err, ok) => {
if (err !== null) {
console.log('发布消息-交换机-失败', err);
} else {
console.log('发布消息-交换机-确认', err, ok, content);

// 绑定queue
const queueA = await channel.assertQueue(queueName);
await channel.bindQueue(queueA.queue, exchange, routingKey);
channel.on('return', (args)=>{
console.log("return: ", args);
channel.on('error', (args)=>{
console.log("error: ", args);
channel.on('close', (args)=>{
console.log("close: ", args);
await channel.waitForConfirms()
await channel.close();


✗ ts-node 2mandatory.ts 
发布消息-交换机-确认 null undefined {"msg":"发送消息--"}
close: undefined



* 内容:发布【确认】
* 备份交换机
* !注:如果同时设置 alternateExchange && mandatory 以备份交换机为主
* @param msg 发布的消息
* @param connect rabbitmq connect
async function publish(msg: string, connect: amqp.Connection) {
const exchange = '';
const exchangeType = 'direct';
const routingKey = '5.alternate.routingKey';
const queueName = '5.alternate.queue'

// 备份交换机
const exchangeBak = '';
const exchangeBakType = 'fanout';
const exchangeBakQueue = '5.alternate.bak.queue';
const exchangeBakRouter = '5.bak';

// 接受确认的channel
const channel = await connect.createConfirmChannel();
// 设置备份交换机
await channel.assertExchange(exchange, exchangeType, { alternateExchange: exchangeBak })
const content = JSON.stringify({ msg });
channel.publish(exchange, routingKey, Buffer.from(content), { mandatory: true }, (err, ok) => {
if (err !== null) {
console.log('发布消息-交换机-失败', err);
} else {
console.log('发布消息-交换机-确认', err, ok, content);

// 备份交换机
await channel.assertExchange(exchangeBak, exchangeBakType);
const queueBak = await channel.assertQueue(exchangeBakQueue)
await channel.bindQueue(queueBak.queue, exchangeBak, exchangeBakRouter);

channel.on('return', (args)=>{
console.log("return: ", args);
channel.on('error', (args)=>{
console.log("error: ", args);
channel.on('close', (args)=>{
console.log("close: ", args);
await channel.waitForConfirms()
await channel.close();